NAAC - Lifeguard Pre-Course Skills Check

Spring 2025|#40040

Age at least 15 yrs but less than 99 yrs, Mixed
First Aid & SafetyYouth/Adult


Mandatory for participants who wish to take the full Lifeguarding Course at either the North Arundel Aquatic Center or the Arundel Olympic Swim Center. All skills take 20-30 minutes total to complete.

Pre-course skills includes:

1. Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence: (Swim goggles allowed)
  • Jump into water from the side, totally submerge, recover to the surface and swim 150 yards (freestyle or breaststroke while practicing rotary breathing).
  • After swimming 150 yards, maintain position at the surface of the water without support for 2 minutes by treading.
  • After maintaining position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes, swim 50 more yards.

2. Timed Event: (Swim goggles not allowed)
You have 1 minute, 40 minutes to complete the following sequence.
  • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Your face may be in or out of the water.
  • Surface dive to retrieve 10lb object.
  • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on your back to return to the starting point, holding obect at the surface with both hands and keeping face at or near the surface. Swimming the distance underwater is not permitted.
  • Exit water without using a ladder or steps.

After enrollment, please set up a time to complete skills by emailing Kaylee at Must be completed at least two weeks prior to start date of Lifeguarding Course.

Cost is $4.00. Full Lifeguarding Course is an additional $320.00. Instructors will not provide a certificate of completion to organizations outside of Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks.
Unlimited openings