  • Maximum: 45 attendees
  • North Park

    303 Pearce Mill Road

    Allison ParkPA15101

  • (724) 935-1971
  • --
Description: The shelter sits on a sloped area off of Lakeshore Drive. Flush restrooms and a play area are located across the road. Parking is available along the road. Daily Rental Fee (Residents of Allegheny County): $30. Daily Rental Fee (Non-Residents): $38.

Reservation Rules

  1. 1
    Current facility reserve by rental block.
  2. 2
    Residents can make reservations at least 5 day(s) in advance but not more than 365 day(s) in advance.
  3. 3
    Non-residents can make reservations at least 5 day(s) in advance but not more than 365 day(s) in advance.
  4. 4
    Online reservations open at 12:01 AM on first accepted advance day.
  5. 5
    Require staff approval


Access to Playground
Access to Restrooms
Outdoor: Lake View
Outdoor: Grill

More Information

Who are you reserving for?
Number of attendees
Maximum: 45 attendees