Avenidas Rainbow Walking Group

Summer 2023|#9730

Jul 15, 2023
Age at least 50 yrs but less than 125 yrs, Mixed
Rainbow Collective
Activity locationNiles Canyon Railway Sunol Station - 6 Kilkare Rd., Sunol


Avenidas Rainbow Walking Group

Niles Canyon Railway Train Ride

Join the Avenidas Rainbow Walking Group for a train ride through the hills of Fremont and Sunol on the Niles Canyon Railway Train. This 90 min train ride begins at 10:30 and takes passengers through the some of the most beautiful areas in the bay area. Tickets for the train are free for the first 15 people to register here. Tickets can also be purchased online at by clicking here Niles Canyon Railway. After the train ride the group will have lunch at a local restaurant together to catch up and socialize.

Activity meeting dates

Jul 15, 2023
Sat10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Thomas Kingery

More Information

SupervisorThomas Kingery
Number of sessions1