CFK - Darkroom and Film Photography with Richard Fusillo

2021: Summer|#CFKC05.221

Jul 6, 2021 - Jul 8, 2021
Grade 5th - 9th, Mixed
College For KidsPhotography
Activity locationSLO-RM 7180 and Outdoors


For this intensive class, we will be focusing on traditional darkroom techniques & film photography starting with the basic idea of light and photograms and ending with alternative processes such as cyanotypes and double exposures. By the end of this session, students will have a understanding of the history of photography and how to develop and print their own 35mm photographs. We will also be incorporating some digital work as well, by doing some technical exercises at the beginning of each class session. Students must have access to a digital camera: a DSLR, a point and shoot, a mirrorless system, or a cellular phone can work.

Activity meeting dates

Tue-Thu, Jul 6-8, 2021; 8:30am-12:30pm

More Information

Number of sessions3
DepartmentCommunity Education

Registration dates

From Apr 30, 2021 6:00 AM
Health screening questions and a temperature scan with a no-contact infrared thermometer are required for entry to the Community Programs 4700 building. Please arrive in a facial covering and maintain 6ft of distance between yourself and others. Please attend only the days & times for which you registered.