Mini Hoopers - 2nd Grade Boys
ClassesFall 2024|#11250
Mini Hoopers Basketball is a noncompetitive basketball league for 1st and 2nd graders centered around fun, skill development and fair play. Games will be 4 on 4 and played on 8 foot hoops.
- The Registration Deadline is Sept. 23
This program is dependent on parent volunteers to coach teams. If you are interested in coaching, please make a note of it on your child's registration, or call Brian Stevenson at 503-570-1523 about coaching opportunities. No past experience is required.
The City of Wilsonville strives to make programming options available to all of our citizens. If you require special accommodations to participate, please call 503-783-7529 or email parksandrec@ci.wilsonville.or.us. The City will try to make reasonable accommodations to assist you. Please contact us two weeks prior to the start of the program so we can evaluate your request.
More Information
Registration dates