Ultimate Frisbee Middle School

Spring 2016|#2563

Apr 11, 2016 - Jun 8, 2016
Grade 5th - 8th, Mixed
Youth SportsYouth Sports


The Middle School Program is one of the largest in the state and still growing with nearly 60 participants last year! The middle school team is for boys AND girls in grades 5 - 8 (i.e.coed). With the growing popularity of this activity we will now be utilizing Twin Brook Recreation area (Tuttle Rd. side) for our league games each week.
This program is designed to introduce players to the sport of Ultimate as well as improve disc skills and teach the kids to work together as a group. Sportsmanship is paramount in Ultimate as there are no referees. Rather, the kids make their own calls and rely on the "Spirit of the Game" to guide their actions on the field.
The GMS Ultimate League (GMSUL)- similar concept to Little League in baseball- will be set up by splitting players into 4 evenly skilled "teams." In addition to GMSUL games, the team will scrimmage other local towns each week, rotating participants based on numbers.
GMSUL games will be played on Mondays and Wednesdays at Twin Brook. Scrimmages/games against local schools will be played on Friday nights (i.e. Friday Night Lights!!) In addition we will participate in 3-4 one day weekend tournaments including the Greely Invitation and the 2016 Maine Middle School Ultimate State Championships.


TBA - To Be Announced

More Information

SupervisorPeter Bingham
DepartmentRecreation Programs