Spring Rimfire Rifle League

Multi-option Program
Spring 2023|#6745


Looking for a little direction for your range practice? Maybe a bit of challenge? Look no further!

All league courses of fire are untimed and each week's score may be shot any time during the range's open hours, Monday through Sunday. While weekly submissions are encouraged, the sole deadline is that all targets must be submitted by 4/23/23 at 6 pm (all targets must be shot at the Outdoor Education Center).

Ages 8 and up. Minors must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian. Leagues run for 8 weeks, with scores recorded each week and a cumulative score for the series.

Individual prizes will be awarded by drawing 'tickets'. Tickets are earned by attendance, top score each week, most overall improved, and top overall score. The number of prizes awarded will depend on number of entries (1 prize per 5 entries).

Participants may choose to use their individual scores toward a team score. Teams consist of (up to) 4 shooters. Team members may be specified during registration, or participants may join a randomly assigned team. Each person participating in a team must check that option during registration. Team prizes will be awarded depending on number of entries (1 per 3 teams) and are based on cumulative high score.


Participants will provide their own rifle. Participants have the option of bringing their own ammo or selecting to use .22 LR range ammo for an additional fee. Select from Optical (red dot, scope, laser) or Iron (open, peep) sight divisions. Rimfire .17 caliber is also permitted.

50 shots total on combination of TQ-12 (chicken/pig silhouette), TQ-13 (turkey/ram silhouette), and B-50-5 (buffalo) target, offhand/standing position.

# of Rounds:Distance:Target/Instructions:
3250 FEETTQ-12 & TQ-13: 4 rounds on each animal
515 ydB-50-5: 1 shot on each bullseye (‘quick’ fire)
520 ydB-50-5: 1 shot on each bullseye (‘quick’ fire)
825 ydB-50-5: 1 shot on each bullseye + extra 3, still changing bulls btwn shots (‘quick’ fire)

Individual fee is $80 (20% discount available for annual pass holders). Team fee for each member is $5.

Activity meeting dates

Feb 27, 2023 - Apr 23, 2023
Sun, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat1:45 PM - 2:00 PM