CSI Camp

Summer 2022|#2124.1441

Jul 5, 2022 - Jul 8, 2022
Age at least 6 yrs but less than 12y 11m 4w, Mixed
Recreation Summer Camp
Activity locationThe Depot


Ages 6-12:

Learn what forensic scientists and crime scene investigators do by collecting evidence, dusting for finger prints, searching for blood stains, analyzing DNA evidence, interpreting DNA profiles, crime scene photography, crime scene synopsis, jury deliberation, mock trials, and more! Wilkins & Associates collaborate with experienced, current, and former law enforcement personnel, forensic scientists, and attorneys, to conduct or advise the actual crime scene collection, processing, investigations, mock trials and more. *No camp Monday, July 4th

Bring: NUT-FREE snack, labeled water bottle, and face covering


Wilkins & Associates, Inc.

More Information

SupervisorKaren Stille
Number of sessions4