Draw with Us
ActivityFall 2021|#13856
Sep 7, 2021 - Oct 26, 2021
Age at least 5 yrs but less than 11 yrs, Mixed
Arts & MusicYouth
This course focus on building fundamental drawing skills. Students will learn basic techniques such as shading, controlling tones, composition, and drawing methods. Additionally, we teach how to see with an artist's eye while exploring different art mediums from oil pastels, chalk pastels, paints and markers. This course is designed for beginner artists who have an interest in learning how to draw or sketch -- or simply want to improve their skills. It will cover the tools you'll need and also give you plenty of chances to practice drawing different things, from people, places, things, and then beyond. $40 material fee payable to instructor at first class.
Activity meeting dates
Sep 7, 2021 - Oct 26, 2021
Tue3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Out Of The Box Kids
More Information
SupervisorJanet Guerry
Number of sessions8
Registration dates
ResidentsFrom Aug 3, 2021 8:00 AM
Non-residentsFrom Aug 10, 2021 8:00 AM