Santa Clara Gymnastics Camp

2020 Summer Mini|#20616

Jul 27, 2020 - Aug 14, 2020
Age at least 4y 11m but less than 10y 11m, Mixed
Activity locationGymnastics Center


Peninsula Gymnastics will provide a FUN filled camp for children who love to run, jump, swing, tumble, and dance! Campers will use trampolines, bars, beams, rope swings, rings, parallel bars, gymnastics tumbling mats, and much more. We will provide a SAFE place for campers to exercise while having FUN! No experience required for children 5-10 years old. Health & Safety of our gymnasts and community is our #1 Priority!

Activity meeting dates

Jul 27, 2020 - Aug 14, 2020
Weekdays2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Courtney Johnson

More Information

SupervisorCrystal Kurotori

Registration dates

ResidentsJul 15, 2020 12:01 AM to Jul 27, 2020
Non-residentsJul 15, 2020 12:01 AM to Jul 27, 2020
Cancelled as of Jul 24, 2020.

Things to remember:

- Social distancing in all classes and camps.

- Hand sanitizing before entering.

- Participant daily health screening before entering facility.

- No parent/adult viewing in lobby area

- Enter front of building and exit the rear of the building.

- Apply sunscreen on your child daily.

Gymnasts need to bring:

- Face covering for entering and exiting the facility

- Hand Sanitizer

- Two snacks labeled.

- Two water bottles filled and labeled (water fountain is closed).

- Clothes and hat to go outside.

- Slide on shoes/sandals.

- Bag to store items.