Movement Meditation and Drawing with Natalja Kent
ClassesFall 2019|#2700.316
Natalja guides participants in a movement meditation. Following this, the group is led through illustrating the feelings in their bodies while maintaining a meditative state. After each workshop with Natalja will be taking portraits and asking participants some questions about wellbeing and transformation. Let her know if you'd like to take part!
During her Camera Obscura studio residency August 7 ? November 13, 2019, photographer Natalja Kent is continuing a project titled "Movement Artifact," which tracks internal and external changes that occur as people engage with their bodies and with art. Utilizing embodied and creative practices, her residency project and public events are completely entwined, with participants engaging in sessions of movement and meditation followed by photography and other image making. More about the artist: Natalja Kent is an artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Her practice investigates embodiment, movement, flaws and materiality through the expanding parameters of photography. This includes video, installation, movement, collaboration, analogue photographic printing, sound and drawing. Research and studio-process experimentation form the foundation of her practice. Collaborative/feminist/social practice output have included her participation in groups such as Mapping Feminist LA/Women?s Center for Creative Work, Assume Vivid Astro Focus, The Dirt Palace and The Good Good. She has shown work and/or performed at; Tate Liverpool; Carpenter Center for The Visual Arts at Harvard; Hiromi Yoshi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan; PS1, MOMA Queens. http://www.nataljakent.com