Plant It Foward
Community Program2022|#5145
Oct 27, 2022
All ages, Mixed
Volunteer OpportunityAdult
Activity locationPiper Palm House
About this Event
Plant It Forward is a bi-annual campaign that engages the community in helping to maintain the beautiful display beds in Tower Grove Park. In addition to providing necessary work for the Park, Volunteers will learn firsthand the types of plants in our display beds, how to tend to these plants, and take some plants home each volunteer day.
Space is limited so please sign up!
Fall work includes:
- Digging cannas, elephant ears, and other plant varietals.
- Clearing display beds of debris.
- Aid in planting 20,000+ bulbs for Spring season.
Due to the complexity of the volunteer project organization, Tower Grove Park cannot allow passersby to participate or take with them plants that have been dug up by volunteers. Tower Grove Park will work to distribute any extra plants as time and capacity allows.
Do I need to register?
Yes, registration is required. This helps our horticulture staff plan the appropriate amount of work. If space is full, you can still join our waitlist, as spots may open up!
How do I cancel my registration?
If you have registered for a volunteer event and are unable to attend, please email our Community Engagement Coordinator at volunteer@towergrovepark.org
Where do we meet?
On Thursday, October 27, we will meet at the Piper Palm House to plant the Ruins and Humboldt beds. Subject to change - PLEASE refer to your reminder email for the most up-to-date information.
Who can attend?
This work requires tools and some machinery. Sadly, it is not suited for children, and only those 18 years or older will be allowed to help.
What forms do I need to sign?
Upon checkout, the ActiveNet site will prompt you to read and acknowledge a Volunteer Waiver & Release of Liability form. You will also be asked to provide Emergency Contact information.
What do I need to bring?
Just yourself! Many people like to bring their own water bottle and gloves. The park will provide all manner of tools for you to use to complete the volunteer project, as well as water and breakfast bars for nourishment.
What happens in the case of cancellation?
In case of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstance, the Community Engagement Coordinator will be in touch to try to reschedule or open other volunteer dates.
- Please stay home if you or anyone in your family is showing any cold or flu-like symptoms.
- All are welcome, but we encourage volunteers that have not been vaccinated or are at high-risk to consider their own and others safety when choosing to attend.
For more information, please contact the Community Engagement Coordinator at volunteer@towergrovepark.org.
More Information
SupervisorTara Morton
DepartmentVolunteer Program
Registration dates
Sep 20, 2022 to Oct 27, 2022
Volunteer FAQs:
- Please dress appropriately for the work and weather.
- Tools will be provided. Many people prefer their own gloves.
- Breakfast bars and water will be onsite. Please feel free to bring your own, if needed.
- Bathrooms may not be readily available, so please plan accordingly.
- In the case of inclement weather, the volunteer opportunity will be cancelled. You will be notified of cancellation at least 1-hour prior to start time.
- Please contact volunteer@towergrovepark.org or call 314-649-8920.