Contemplative Photography Practice in-person Sp23

Spring 2023|#44502

May 13, 2023 - Jun 17, 2023
All ages, Mixed



Standard fee: $160
Supported fee: $100 (Supported fee for young adults, BIPOC community, and those with financial need. Use coupon code Photo100 when registering.)

The heart of this 5-week course is to fully connect with the “Now” moments of our day-to-day lives through the practice of photography. Visual exercises and assignments will help to realize the ever-present beauty of the ordinary world around us.

No prior photography experience is needed. Any type of digital camera is appropriate as well as cell phones. Knowledge of how to send weekly digital photography assignments is helpful, but instructions will be provided at the beginning of the course for those who need assistance.

At least 2 of the 5 weeks will be on location in the Madison area.

This class is for those who have already been introduced to mindfulness.

All meetings will follow UW Health COVID-19 protocol and policies that are in effect at the time of the class session.

View this video link to get an idea of content from prior mindful photography classes: Mindful Seeing

Activity meeting dates

In-person; Saturdays, 10:30am-12noon, May 13, 20, 27, June 10, 17, 2023 (no class June 3)


Sandy Wojtal Weber, MSSW

More Information

SupervisorLisa Thomas Prince
Number of sessions6

Registration dates

From Mar 27, 2023