Embodied Racial Justice Practice in-person Fall23
ActivityFall 2023|#49372
Sep 28, 2023 - Nov 30, 2023
18 yrs +, Mixed
*Please pre-register at this link.
Instructor will contact you with more information.
Standard fee: $275
Supported fee: $160
(Supported fee for those with financial need. Use coupon code Fee160 when registering.)
Embodied Racial Justice Practice: An Awareness-Building and Accountability Space for White-Identifying People
“Systems of oppression can’t survive unless we’re disconnected from the
wisdom of the body.” - Kelsey Blackwell
Created in partnership with the YWCA Race and Equity Team and the Mindfulness for All Collaborative, with support from the Kataly Foundation.
Come explore how embodied practice can:
• strengthen our ability to recognize and authentically respond to racialized harm and ignorance, as it exists within and around us
• support healing, resilience, and accountability in the context of racial justice
These six weekly sessions will include mindfulness-based guided practices and embodied exercises, connecting as a community through small and large group dialogue, and an introduction to gentle movement exercises that can be adapted as needed. Participants do not need to have prior experience with mindfulness-based practice but do need to have had previous learning or training experiences that provide foundational knowledge and understanding for exploring racism, white supremacy culture and white identity. (Examples of recommended prior learning include: YWCA Madison’s Racial Justice series, Justified Anger’s Black History for a New Day course, Witnessing Whiteness book study, White Awake’s Roots Deeper Than Whiteness).
These sessions are intended for those who:
• identify as white (read more about why we are offering affinity trainings here)
• can attend at least 5/6 full sessions, including the first session
• are willing to spend one hour weekly (outside of class) with home practice
Activity meeting dates
In-person: Thursdays, 5:30-8pm, Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, Nov 9, 30, 2023.
Erica Kruger
Tamar Jacobsohn
More Information
SupervisorLisa Thomas Prince
Registration dates
From Aug 15, 2023
Cancelled as of Sep 26, 2023.
- Classes meet at UW South Madison Partnership, 2238 S Park St Madison WI 53713.