Fundamental Watercolor w/Indira Cariappa

1. Class
Adult Spring 2025|#S25A0423.16W

Apr 23, 2025 - Jun 4, 2025
All ages, Mixed
3. Adult Drawing & Painting


Watercolor Basics and More
w/Indira Cariappa
A seven (7) session class

Indira Cariappa Garden Path

This class will focus on the fundamentals of painting with Watercolors. This class will include step by step instruction with demonstrations and practice. Attention and focus on individual growth in the students’ own pace will be central in this class. Learn to paint watercolors in a free, fun and fluent manner. Discover and nurture your own personal style of expression. All levels welcome.

Materials List:

1. Watercolor Paper: 140 pound (or higher weight) cold press watercolor paper. I recommend a watercolor block rather than loose sheets to begin with. Brand could be Arches, Winsor & Newton or any other. Size around 10x12
If using loose sheets, you will need a backing board and masking tape to support the watercolor paper.
2. Watercolor Paints: I prefer Watercolor Tubes. However, I encourage you to bring whatever you already have with you. For a good experience of learning good quality materials are very important. We will start off with a warm and cool version of Red, Blue and Yellow and a few neutrals. Any brand like Winsor & Newton, QOR, Daniel Smith, Holbein etc.
Cadmium Red or Quinacridone Red
Alizarin Crimson permanent or Quinacridone Rose
Cadmium Yellow or New Gamboge
Lemon Yellow
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Chinese White
3. Brushes:
A few good quality brushes are required for a good painting experience and quality of learning. Some brands suggestion could be Winsor & Newton, Escoda, Richeson, Cheap Joes. Synthetic blends are good to start off with. Any brush that will hold water and come to a good point and springs back is considered good for watercolor. Bring any you already have with you.
1-inch Flat wash Brush
Round Brushes: No: 14, 6, 2
Rigger Brushes: number 4 & 2
4. Watercolor Palette: Any plastic watercolor palette with at least 10 wells to pour out the different paints and enough space for color mixing. I recommend a John Pike Palette.
5. 2 Plastic cups or small containers to hold water. Paper towels for mopping water. Masking tape or artist tape, drawing book to work out ideas, HB Pencil and eraser.

Activity meeting dates

Apr 23, 2025 - Jun 4, 2025
Wed6:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Indira Cariappa

More Information

SupervisorWayne Art Staff
Number of sessions7

Registration dates

Nov 1, 2024 to Apr 1, 2025
7 openings remaining