Jewelry-Lost Wax Casting w/Chris Darway

1. Class
Adult Winter 2021|#W21A0224.5W

Feb 24, 2021 - Mar 31, 2021
All ages, Mixed
6. Adult Metals


Casting molten metal is one of the oldest metal techniques dating back thousands of years. Students will learn how to work both hard and soft wax. These wax objects will be cast in sterling silver incorporating the lost wax casting technique. This class will cover calculating wax weights, spruing of waxes, safety issues and finishing. Students do not need prior metal experience but those that have taken a jewelry class will be able to use those skills in the finishing part of this technique.

Be prepared for a fun and interesting time learning this essential and ancient metal art!

Mats included.

This is a 6 week class from 2/24 - 3/31.

Before each class, students are required to complete a daily health screening. If a student is unable to complete the health screening, a parent or guardian must complete it for them.

Please remember that masks are mandatory, keep a minimum of 6 feet away from others, wash your hands frequently, and do not touch your face. After using the hand sanitizer a few times please make sure to properly wash your hands.

If you or a family member is not feeling well, please let us know, and do not attend class.

Activity meeting dates

Feb 24, 2021 - Mar 31, 2021
WedNoon - 4:00 PM


Christopher Darway

More Information

SupervisorWayne Art Staff
Number of sessions6

Registration dates

MembersNov 16, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021
Resident non-membersNov 16, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021
Non-resident non-membersNov 16, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021
Materials List
Material List
Lost Cast Waxing
This image cannot be displayed.Lost Cast Waxing