Private Lessons 2025 Tuition Assistance
Private Lesson2025 Private Lessons|#11386
Jan 6, 2025 - Jan 6, 2026
5 yrs +, Mixed
Private Lessons - Tuition AssistanceAll Ages
Work one on one with a pro instructor in weekly, 30-minute lessons customized just for you!
During registration, please note your preferred instructor, instrument, and lesson times. Upon completion of your registration, you will be placed in a queue and a YMP staff member will be in touch for booking confirmation when your preferred day, time, instrument, and instructor has an opening on our schedule.
The more flexibility you have for lessons the greater the likelihood and speed we can find you a spot on our schedule. To view current private lesson openings, visit www.youthmusicproject.org/private-lesson-availability.
Private lessons are reduced or no-cost to students eligible for sliding-scale tuition assistance.
Tuition Assistance is contingent upon availability of funds and current enrollment percentage thresholds.
Learn more at www.youthmusicproject.org/tuition-assistance/.
Eliza Schneider
Alan Singley
Bethany Horton
Brian Robertson
Cristian Cervantes
Greg Hopkins
Jeff Inlay
Jeydon Griffiths
Jordan Ruback
Joseph Konty
Keenan Recker
Kyle DelFatti
Lauren Guerin
Lisa Garver
Max Bunster
Micah Scothorn
Michael Backus
Nisha Von Bartheld
Noelia Samaniega
Peter McCoid
Raine Welterlen
Sean Hudson
Spencer Moholt
Tate Peterson
Tyson Stubelek
Wyatt Granger
More Information
SupervisorSusan K Zundel
Registration dates
From Nov 20, 2024
Unlimited openings
If you would like to discontinue your lesson, you may do so at any time by calling 503-616-5967 and speaking to a YMP Program Administrator. YMP will provide a pro-rated refund for the remaining lessons in the month, with the following stipulation: we require a 7-day notice prior to your scheduled lesson time for said lesson to be included in the pro-rated refund for remaining lessons in the month. While you are welcome to let your instructor know about discontinuing lessons, please note that you must speak to a Program Administrator to discontinue your monthly payments and receive a pro-rated refund as applicable.
Students must pay monthly tuition regardless of lesson atendance or student concert participation.
Due to scheduling constraints, YMP cannot reschedule missed lessons.
Students are eligible to receive one excused absence credit per calendar quarter (Jan-Mar; Apr-June; July-Sept; Oct-Dec). Simply give YMP Program Staff 24 hours’ notice of your absence and one excused absence credit per quarter will be refunded to the credit card on file that is used for your monthly auto-payment. For an absence to be considered excused, notification must be given to the Front Desk on or before the day of the missed lesson. Notification prior to the start of the lesson time is highly appreciated as it allows our instructors to plan accordingly.