Terms of use
In consideration of being permitted to take part in the activity, or utilize the facility or service set forth herein, I expressly agree as follows: I hereby acknowledge that the activity set forth herein contains dangers and risks and may result in injury to the participant. I hereby assume all risks of personal injury, death, and property damage from any causes whatsoever arising while my child, or I are participating in such activity. I, or my child, are in good health and are physically able to participate in such activity. I agree to unconditionally waive and release Apex Park and Recreation and/or the City of Arvada, and their officers and employees, agents, servants, and all representatives and sponsors from injury that I or my child may sustain, or any damage that may be caused to me or my child's property in connection with said activities or use of such facilities or services, including injuries sustained or property damage caused by any use of equipment I may rent from Apex Park and Recreation District and/or the City of Arvada, their officers, employees, agents, servants or sponsors.
I also authorize and consent to any emergency x-ray examination, medical diagnosis, or treatment or hospital care to be rendered to me or my child under the general or special supervision, and on the advice of any physician licensed to practice in the State of Colorado.
Participants may be photographed and/or video taped while utilizing the facility, services, or participating in a Apex Park and Recreation District program and said photographs, videos, or likeness of me, may be used to publicize activities as the district deems appropriate.
By submitting my registration/participating in activities/attending events or facilities, I, intending to be bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby release and discharge Apex Park and Recreation District from any and all liability from illness, injuries and damages I may suffer as a result of my participation.
I also authorize and consent to any emergency x-ray examination, medical diagnosis, or treatment or hospital care to be rendered to me or my child under the general or special supervision, and on the advice of any physician licensed to practice in the State of Colorado.
Participants may be photographed and/or video taped while utilizing the facility, services, or participating in a Apex Park and Recreation District program and said photographs, videos, or likeness of me, may be used to publicize activities as the district deems appropriate.
By submitting my registration/participating in activities/attending events or facilities, I, intending to be bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby release and discharge Apex Park and Recreation District from any and all liability from illness, injuries and damages I may suffer as a result of my participation.