Flannel Family Fun
ActivityFall 2022|#6983
Sep 9, 2022
Age at least 4 yrs but less than 11y 11m, Mixed
Special EventsParent/Child
Moms, Dads or a special person, wear your flannels for a fall evening out with your child(ren). We will provide a hot dog, chips and drink for dinner. Couples can enjoy a hayride around town, play games, make a craft, and roast marshmallows or make s'mores around the bonfire. This program takes place outdoors, so please dress accordingly. A $14.00 per child discount will be applied for multiple children signed up on the same receipt. Pre-registration is required. Same-day registration is not available. Registration Deadline is September 7th. The fee is per couple - only one adult can attend with registered child.
More Information
SupervisorKathi Wencewicz
Cancelled as of Sep 7, 2022.